Random random random

9:51:00 AM

My sister was confined in the hospital for 5 days due to dengue fever. This was the first time in our family that someone was admitted and I just hate the feeling. Everyone was worried with my sister and at the same time you're sick of the idea you have to stay on the hospital and you got no choice. Hospital is one of my hatest place ever. I can't bear to sleep or eat the foods there. I'd rather starve, sorry!

Random thoughts suddenly hit me or should I say crazy thoughts. Hahaha! My sister stayed in a semi-private room since no available private room yet. We were with a woman who just had a caesarian operation. I can't help but to worry about my future self about getting pregnant and bear a child after. One of my greatest fear is to give birth. I don't know if I will survive!!! HELP!!!!!!! Hahaha! Personally, I would prefer caesarian operation. I have the impression that it's easier though it's more expensive. Pwes, kaya naman ni Arvin magbayad! Hahaha!

After 5 days of burden, finally my sister is now discharged from the hospital. Her platelet count is back to normal from 106 down to 78 finally it went back to normal now. I felt so relief for my sister and for us too! Hahaha! God is just so good. Thank You for answering all our prayers! :)

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