The Best of Archie

9:34:00 PM

 Ze boyfriend and I were killing time at National Bookstore, Katipunan couple of weeks ago when I spotted this favorite comic of mine during my childhood days. It cost Php 400 which I find a bit expensive so I let it pass. To make story short, ze boyfriend knows how much I love Archie so he bought it for me and I was such a happy lil kid then. Haha!

It was my sister and my cousin, Ate Penny who introduced Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead and Reggie to me. They were crazy about Archie way back our childhood days then eventually learned to love Archie since then. They are ridiculously funny in such a cute and naughty way. They never fail to entertain their readers as you flip through the pages with their awesomeness adventures in Riverdale. So if I have time to spare definitely I spend my time with the gang.

And oh, by the way, who's your favorite character in Archie? Definitely mine would be, the fashionista and gorgeous Veronica. 

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