Beer Pong night.

11:14:00 AM

Since the day my love life bloomed once again (Meganon? Hahaha!) I don't get to see my college friends that often because of my girlfriend duties but as much as possible I try my best to maximize my time and meet them once in a while.

Had a dinner date in Mexicali with one of my best college buddy, Jef. We always need to catch up on each others lives even though we see each other often because we never ran out of stories to tell.
Love you, bitch! xx

Taco Rice
Garlic Fries

Taco Rice
We're not yet done. After dinner we head straight to Amici to indulge ourselves on Gelato cakes! Hahaha!

My all time favorite Banana Blast

We decide not to go home yet so we meet Melvin and Itik after. So what do you expect when you're with college friends. Inuman na 'to! I finally tried Beer Pong in En Route. Seryoso natuwa talaga ako dito sa game na to! Hahaha! I didn't know Jef has shooting skills! Where'd you learn that my dear friend? Melvin and I lost the game and that's because of you Jef!! Hahaha!

Melvin & I were partners but we lost the game! LOL

And the fun didn't stop there! Videoke trip namin after in Music 21 then drinking continues at Tides, Timog.

This night was incomplete without the whole barkada (you know who you are guys). This made me miss college most when everyone in the group is present! Rewind to college days please. :(

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