I feel BETRAYED....

12:38:00 PM

I never blog anything about my current relationship except for the ones that I can't really hide because I wanna show the universe how happy I am but there are times that when I feel down I just wanna write it all down hoping that the burden will 'somehow' subside. (And trust me, it works!)

Not all relationships are perfect but admit it, once you are in a relationship you can't help but to feel and think I have a '"perfect boyfriend" and a "perfect relationship" (or was it just me thinking that way?)

To be honest, the guy I'm currently with is almost close to what they call 'perfect'. He's the stereotype of tall, dark and (not-so)-handsome. Hahaha! A basketball player, God-fearing, family oriented (he loves her mom so much and you know what they say when guys respect their mom, right?), optimistic, responsible, etc. everything you could possibly ask for a partner.

But above all, honesty is VERY essential to a relationship whether it might be to your partner, friends and co-worker. Who the heck would want someone who's dishonest anyway?

I was devastated when I learned he cheated right in front of my face. I FEEL BETRAYED. And that's the worse thing he could ever done to me.
Don't get me wrong this is not about cheating with other woman, hopefully. Haha! But when you're being lied to it's like you're being cheated as well. That makes no difference for me.

Now, I'm just afraid that after all of this, can I still learn to trust him again? (God, I need your guidance please). Trust me, you don't know what you got into after all of this shit. Our relationship will never be the same again. There's nothing you could say that it would make it less painful and what's the whole point of apologizing when the trust is all gone? Whatever reason it may be sometimes the only option is to end the relationship. YOU CAN'T LOVE SOMEONE YOU DON'T TRUST.

"The worst part about being lied to is knowing that you weren't worth the truth."

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  1. drama ni ate! hehehe may blog ka pala!

  2. Yes! No more drama girl. At least we're now okayy. Haha! May blog ka din pala!! :)

