Bidding 20s GOODBYE

5:02:00 AM

(Wrote this on my birthday)

Today is my 30th birthday. I can't believe I have reached another milestone in my life. Ten years have passed and boom my 20s is finally OVER. Grabe, parang kailan lang college ako... parang kailan lang ang alam ko lang eh mag-aral at sumilay sa crush. JUST LIKE THAT?! I feel old pero not looking old. Thank God for my parents! I am blessed with vampire genes. Aminin niyo, mukha lang ako nasa early 20s! Hahahah!?

Anyway, So I am feeling anxious as I type these words. It hasn't sink in yet but this is it!!!! GOOD BYE 20s!!!! Welcome to the fucking 30s club! I always thought that being on your 30s means more responsibilities, wrinkles (yes, concern ko talaga yan bec skincare is life hahaha), and people pressuring you to settle down. Our society tells us that you should be married by this age. In my case, I wanted to rebuild myself. I wanna age graciously! I have wasted so many opportunities when I was in my 20's. I was carefree that I forgot the things that matter. So my goal is to be a goal-getter this time.

Good thing about being in our 30s is that we have become a better (and matured) person. Kung hindi ka naging better person most probably may mali na sa'yo. Wow, I can't believe... I have made it through the struggles. I have learned to become confident with myself. We all have insecurities kasi tao lang naman tayo but as we mature, we learn to embrace and deal with it. I came to the point that I stopped comparing myself to everyone. Na-realize mo na kahit pinagpala siya ni Lord in every aspect of his life, mayroon ka din naman na wala siya. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't focus on the things I don't have rather I focus on what God has blessed me.

I remember when I used to compare myself to my colleagues. I SWEAR sobrang unhealthy. I've done things against my will to impress everyone. Sa totoo lang, nakakahiyang aminin but that's it. I REGRET it but that's part of I am now. I have learned to love my flaws and imperfections.

Now, I constantly remind myself that life is not a race. Chill lang dapat, 'wag ma-pressure. Take baby steps, because trying too hard puts too much pressure.

Whenever I look back at the past, my 20s was full of ups and downs. It was a time of self-discovery, insecurities and self-doubts. Dami ko pa hanash nuon parang highscool rebel hahaha but once you overcome all of these, it's totally worth every struggle.

I am embracing my 30s in a very positive way. It may mean more responsibilities but for me being in your 30s is like starting a new life with a better YOU. So to everyone who's feeling anxious about their 30s,  normal lang yan but eventually you will get over it. Just strive to age graciously.

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  1. Wow! You don't look like you're 30 parang 21 lang. haha very nice. (in my opinion)

    Nice blog btw.. very neat. :)

    Keep on blogging, I enjoy the pictures and scenes that you share on each of your post.

    Cheers! stay happy!


