Camping at Zambales.
10:27:00 PM
I wanted to experience camping in an island where there's no electricity and all. It's been a while since the last time I had camping experience with friends.

It was Easter Sunday when my friends and I headed to Zambales to have camping at Anawangin.
This trip made me realized that camping isn't really my thing and I should learn how to do some household chores! I came to a conclusion that I'm not ready to get married. I don't even know how to cook simple dish like Adobo (what a shame!!!). But you know as what they say, it's better late than never. (Turn off, eh?!!)

They say camping isn't the same without a fire, so that night we built a bonfire and enjoyed the night away. Konting chit-chat then slept early for Capones Island. Though we slept inside the tent and heard creepy sounds at night, I still had a good 9 hours sleep. Wow! In fairness.
7AM- Manong Bangkero fetch us so early. We thought it was just 20min boat ride away from Anawangin. But, it took us 40mins to Capones. (Kayamot!) But the 40-min travel time was definitely worth the wait. This island is just so absolutely beautiful and stunning.
I felt losing weight after we reached the top. It's really exhausting but once you're on top, it pays off seeing the wonderful view up there.
Finally we reached the lighthouse. Buwis buhay ang pag akyat dito!!!
Sometimes I can't help to wonder how amazing God is for creating such a beautiful creations like this.